Monday 11 April 2011

Transport - Tuk Tuks & Taxis

I want to race a Tuk Tuk.. Rear drive, motorbike engine with throaty exhaust. I reckon they would be a heap of fun. Sound wise, they are most like the Aussie Racing Cars.

They run on gas, I'm not sure whether they use LPG or CNG, I've seen taxis using both. There are no seatbelts or anything like that. Suspect that with a single front wheel, they may understeer a bit.

This is the view as you sit in one. Nicole and I had decided that it was a must do to go for a ride in one. Our plan was to go from the end of our street to the hotel (not very adventurous!) but we ended up being talked into going on a loop visiting a few temples. It was a tourist scam, and we got conned into spending an extra $1AUD.. Even when you get conned in Thailand, it's still cheap! We got a bit more ruthless after that. The money doesn't matter as everything is cheap, it's purely the principle.

We also caught a taxi. 99% of these are Toyota Corollas. I never realised it, but it would appear that the internal dimensions/layout are not quite the same as Corollas here. Note the position of my head and knee. The seat did not go any lower.

The traffic light system which shows you how long until the light changes allows drivers to catch up on some reading.. We caught a taxi to the Grand Palace for the cost of 75 Baht, using the dashboard meter. However, for the return trip, the driver volunteered a price (around 2-3 times what the original voyage cost) without using the meter. Clearly it's best not to catch a taxi from a tourist destination as the price becomes inflated drastically!

Hot Rod Taxi. Looks like they went beserk in the "Performance" section of their local AutoBarn. Most taxis are pink or green & yellow.

Pink Taxi, with pink vinyl seats.. How cool can you get?

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