Monday, 11 April 2011

Public Transport in Bangkok

Public transport in the CBD revolves around the sky train and the subway. Both are excellent. Time tables are not immediately obvious, and it doesn't really matter, as there are services every few minutes. It is a much simpler system than Melbourne, with basically only 2 lines on the sky train and one line on the subway.

This is the sky train vending machine. Choose a number that corresponds to the station you want to go to and you pay for that. Next station in either direction is 1, and incrementing upwards. That's it. No Zones, 2 hour/daily/etc.. You are issued with either a disc (on the subway) or thin plastic card (sky train), both reuseable. The locals buy Myki style cards and swipe on/off.

A tpical sky train. One of these had a sign on it "Design by Porsche" however I didn't get my camera out in time. Each platform has a police man on it in case of shenanigans. The platforms all have markings on where to stand as the train pulls up. They always stop at the right place so the doors are always infront of you.

The other bonus of the sky train system is that it provides an excellent means of crossing the road without becoming road kill.

It can get rather cramped though.. At one stage I counted 4 people I was touching as we were standing there. Definately not an enjoyable experience if you are protective of your personal space!

This chap checks your bags on the way into the subway. A similar process occurs at the entrance to the posher shopping centers. Note the body scanners you have to walk through.

This I didn't understand - lingerie shops at train stations!

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